Nosotros tenemos apartamentos en la zona centro de Kiev, donde nuestros clientes de la agencia matrimonial se alojan durante los viajes organizados.

Los apartamentos están completamente equipados y son muy seguros; con incluso puerta blindada y doble puerta. Una muestra de los apartamentos corresponde a las fotos inferiores:









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Kiev apartment,kiev apartment rental,apartment rental,bed and breakfast,apartment rental service Furnished guest apartments in Kiev center. Comfort and hospitality. Reasonable prices. Competitive alternative to big hotels.   Furnished guest apartments in Kiev center. Comfort and hospitality. Reasonable prices. Competitive alternative to big hotels.  Furnished guest apartments in Kiev center. Comfort and hospitality. Reasonable prices. Competitive alternative to big hotels.



Kiev apartment,kiev apartment rental,apartment rental,bed and breakfast,apartment rental service Furnished guest apartments in Kiev center. Comfort and hospitality. Reasonable prices. Competitive alternative to big hotels.